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Stand for Sonic Divesity

Client: Studio Resonate | Pandora | SiriusXM
Branding, Art Direction, Digital, Insight, Ideation
Landing Page | Art Direction
ECD: Roger Gehrmann
Design | Dev: Brian Yuen

As  a leader in the audio space, Studio Resonate wanted redefine the  "American voice" by diversifying their own voice cast while getting  others to join in as well. The landing page was meant to be straight  forward: a logo, a message, and a place to submit your name (or your  agencies) and say that you would join and help diversify your voice  actor roster along with pushing for a more diverse output.

I was involved in the very early art direction. The idea was to keep it  simple and straight to the point. No fluff, just get people on board and then make sure we all do our part by really aiming to diversify our voice rosters and audio output.

Why does that matter? Having a more diverse voice roster would really encapsulate the diverse range of people in the world.

How do we do that quickly and effectively? In a world of short internet  attention spans, we wanted to convey the message of the landing page in important but short copy, burn the logo/imagery/name into the viewer's mind, and get them to sign up without hesitation.

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